The Towheed Iranian Girls' School operates under a 'directorate' managing the affairs of eight Iranian schools in the UAE, with a combined student population of 6,000. The schools are: Towheed International and Boys School, Towheed Girls School, Khadije Kobra (PBUH) Girls School, Salman Boys School, Sharjah Boys and Girls School, Imam Khomeini (MBUH) Boys and Girls School in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain Boys and Girls School, and Adab Private Boys and Girls School.
KG 1 | KG 2 | GRADE 1 | GRADE 2 | GRADE 3 | GRADE 4 | GRADE 5 | GRADE 6 | GRADE 7 | GRADE 8 | GRADE 9 | GRADE 10 | GRADE 11 | GRADE 12 |
14,500 | 14,500 | 8,721 | 8,721 | 8,721 | 8,721 | 8,721 | 9,124 | 9,124 | 9,124 | 9,258 | 9,258 | 9,258 | 9,258 |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
7:15AM - 3:00 PM | 7:15AM - 3:00 PM | 7:15AM - 3:00 PM | 7:15AM - 3:00 PM | 7:15AM - 3:00 PM |